Look, it's a giant golden Buddha, hiding up in those trees! Why does that guy keep following us? Bike faster. Let's lose him!

"Today, I'm going first. I'm passing you, dad."
"Krap. . . it was bound to happen one day. . ."

"Wait for me! I want in the picture too!"

Here's a question. . . What's with all the 7-11's in Thailand? The little convenience stores are everywhere. . . across from temples, next to fancy restaurants, off the highway, in little nowhere towns. Also the 7-11 is almost always the only corporate entity in town. Below, you can see one hiding behind this majestic temple gate.
Leaf "killing it" on a climb. . .

Hey, don't go in the road, little fellow!

"Why do we always gotta wait for dad?"

San Kammpeng Hot Springs
It was another pretty relaxed day, 45km with very few hills. When we got to the resort, we rented some motor bikes and headed to the hot springs. Here is Mark and Leaf on the big bad bike. I know what you're thinking. . . Marlon Brando in the Wild One. . . or maybe Dennis Hopper in Easy Rider. . . Yep, it was a lot like that.

The hot springs had various heat levels where you could soak your feet. . . 40, 45, 50, and 55 degrees C. We were just able to tolerate 45 degrees.

Another great day of cycling. I'll leave you with a photo of a tiger and an elephant hanging out together. In Thailand, these two large mammals were never enemies. They were friends who would often work together to run small out-of-they-way boarding houses, happily sharing in all the cooking, cleaning and administrative chores.

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