Buddhist Monkeys

Monkeys have taken over the dilapidated buildings in the background. They control the sidewalks, interiors and the roofs.

Here the monkeys took over a public fountain. They kept jumping into the water, making enormous splashes. . . while the ones around the sides enjoyed taking a spritz. . .

The monkeys even created their own gold statue of Buddha. . .

On the way back to Bangkok, we visited the ancient palaces in Ayutthaya, a long-ago kingdom that was sacked by the Burmese. During the sacking, many Buddhas had their heads purposely misplaced.

Monet Buddha

Leaf Buddha

Cool Old Surviving Buddha

Old Buddha with Cell Tower

I call this one, "Temples with Rainbow Umbrellas" Nice photo, right? You want to buy? Cheap cheap!

Puppets watching a motorbike go past. . . "Hey Frank, what's you doing?" "Just hanging around."

Okay, folks. That was our big day in the outskirts of Bangkok. Tomorrow we get out of Dodge. . . I'll leave you with another elephant sighting. This one a pink elephant. No, we weren't drunk. We actually think that they painted the poor thing. . . or perhaps this is the rarely seen white elephant? Eh, I don't thinks so. . . . Ugh.

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